
Ethaneth's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,190 (From 230 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 16,055 Points

Alien Hominid Xtreme

Medals Earned: 3/20 (30/500 points)

I would hover 4000 meters 10 Points

Travel a distance of 4km or further in one run.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Army Helmet 10 Points

Unlock the Army Helmet.

Big Boy 10 Points

Buy all the Gun Upgrades.

Boom Baby 10 Points

Buy all the Grenade Upgrades.

Dad n' Me 10 Points

Unlock the Dad n' Me Mask.

Don't hurt me 10 Points

Buy all the Shield Upgrades.

Elvis 10 Points

Unlock Elvis' Hair and sunglasses.

Orange Cap 10 Points

Unlock the Orange Cap.

Party Hat 10 Points

Unlock the Party Hat.

Pimp my ride 10 Points

Buy all the Engine Upgrades.

Slippery 10 Points

Buy all the Oil Upgrades.

And another 4000 25 Points

Travel a distance of 12km or further in one run.

And I would hover 4000 more 25 Points

Travel a distance of 8km or further in one run.

An Xtreme Alien Hominid 100 Points

Unlock all the other Medals.

HATS! 100 Points

Unlock all the hats.

Upgrades Galore 100 Points

Buy all the Upgrades.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Alone in the Park

Medals Earned: 9/18 (85/360 points)

Little Collector 5 Points

Collect 10 crates

Mushroom Hater 5 Points

Kill 50 mushrooms

Collector 10 Points

Collect 100 crate

Mushroom Killer 10 Points

Kill 500 mushroom

Terry - The Gravity Man 10 Points

Die from laser

Unlocker 10 Points

Unlock 2 game characters

Notch - The Miner 25 Points

Shoot 10,000 shots

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Connor - The Creature 25 Points

Kill 100 flying mushrooms

Johny - The Zombie Cook 25 Points

Finish the game with Sarah without upgrading health

Master Collector 25 Points

Collect 500 crates

Mufy - The Fat Boy 25 Points

Collect 50 hearts

Mushroom Apocalypse 25 Points

Kill 5000 mushroom

Sarah - The Sister 25 Points

Finish the game for one time

Winner 25 Points

Win the game twice

Master Unlocker 50 Points

Unlock all game characters

Total Winner 50 Points

Win the game with all characters


Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/30 points)

The Land Beneath 5 Points

Fall through the clouds.

The Living Stars 5 Points

Unlock the gate.

Becoming 10 Points

The end is upon you.

Debugging Complete 10 Points

Destroy all the bugs.

Anaksha Mini Adventures 2

Medals Earned: 3/15 (25/210 points)

Combining Items 5 Points

Out with the old. In with the new

Little Vandal 10 Points

Intentionally damaging property

Screwing Around 10 Points

Creative use of a wall

5 Virgo Symbols 5 Points

Find 5 hidden Virgo symbols

Bathroom Poetry 5 Points

Funny messages on the walls

Hidden Symbols 5 Points

Find 1 hidden virgo symbol

Teaching Him a Lesson 5 Points

Teach that pervert a lesson!

25 Virgo Symbols 10 Points

Find 25 hidden Virgo symbols

40 Virgo Symbols 10 Points

Find 40 hidden Virgo symbols

Breaking In 10 Points

Learn how to pick locks

Virgo Queen 10 Points

Find all 60 hidden Virgo symbols

Code Cracker 25 Points

It took you how many tries?

Inflicting Pain 25 Points

Just a sadistic little devil!

Out Of Order 25 Points

Nobody is allowed in the bathroom

Avenging Angel 50 Points

Complete the game

Anodyne Demo

Medals Earned: 2/8 (15/275 points)

Greenlit 10 Points

Visit our Steam Greenlight Page.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Buy the game 10 Points

Visit Anodyne's Website.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 2/15 (10/490 points)

First 'Steps' 5 Points

Reach 50m

Jumper 5 Points

Jump 100 times

Hazard Zone 5 Points

Evade 100 Spike Blocks

Death Loop 10 Points

Evade 20 Death Loops

Dodge 10 Points

Evade 20 Flame Bullets

Early Climber 10 Points

Reach 100m

Natural Bird 10 Points

Jump 500 times

Rock Bird 10 Points

Evade 10 quakes

Flight to The Top 25 Points

Jump 1000 times

Getting There... 25 Points

Reach 300m

Nearly Smashed 25 Points

Evade 20 Crushers

Achievement Unlocked 100 Points

Unlock all medals

Arise 100 Points

Reach 500m

Ascension 100 Points

Jump 2000 times

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Armor Mayhem

Medals Earned: 28/30 (215/270 points)

Acupuncture 5 Points

Unlock the Dart Gun

Amateur killer 5 Points

Kill 100 Soldiers

Apprentice Killer 5 Points

Kill 30 Soldiers

Death from the sky 5 Points

Score a double kill with the Ion Cannon equipped

Delivery 5 Points

Capture 15 flags

First Blood 5 Points

Kill 1 Soldier

Give it back 5 Points

Kill 5 soldiers holding a flag

Gold Digger 5 Points

Earn 1000$

Kaboom 5 Points

Unlock the Rocket Launcher

Master Blaster 5 Points

Unlock the Plasma Gun

Once upon a time 5 Points

Complete the first mission

Ouch 5 Points

Get killed by the map

Piggy Bank 5 Points

Earn 100$

Rocket Rain 5 Points

Unlock the Automatic Rocket Launcher

Seek and Destroy 5 Points

Score a double kill with the Auto. Rocket Launcher equipped

Super Virus 5 Points

Win a mission in Overdrive mode

Third time is the best 5 Points

Score a Triple Kill

What time is it? 5 Points

Unlock the Slow Bubble Gun

Will you ever learn? 5 Points

Get killed by the map 10 times

All your base are belong to us 10 Points

Control all the control points in a mission at once

Expert killer 10 Points

Kill 200 Soldiers

Ion Blaster 10 Points

Unlock the Ion Cannon

Keep going 10 Points

Complete 50% of the missions

Mad Dough 10 Points

Earn 3000$

Suit up! 10 Points

Unlock all the armor styles

Weapon Master 10 Points

Unlock all the weapons

Complete 25 Points

Complete all the missions

Master killer 25 Points

Kill 500 Soldiers

Ninja 5 Points

Catch a flag in the air

Godly killer 50 Points

Kill 1000 Soldiers

Art of War Omaha

Medals Earned: 3/9 (40/490 points)

Private 5 Points

Hit the sand.

Private First Class 10 Points

Get promoted from private.

Corporal 25 Points

Get promoted from private first class.

Sergeant 25 Points

Get promoted from corporal

Sergeant Major 25 Points

Get promoted from sergeant.

Bit of a Nazi 100 Points

Finish and kill more allies than enemies.

Mothrfuckr 100 Points

Finish with 100 kills - enemies and allies.

Sergeant Doggystyle 100 Points

Finish and collect 100 dogtags.

The Diplomat 100 Points

Finish the game without firing your gun.

Ban That Fulp!

Medals Earned: 4/4 (40/40 points)

Wade Mode 5 Points

Activated Wade mode

Over 500! 25 Points

Ban him at 500 + MPH

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Battle for Darkness

Medals Earned: 5/15 (45/425 points)

First Blood 5 Points

Kill one realm unit

Detonator 10 Points

Kill 15 units with your Goblin Kamikazes

EvilSmith 10 Points

Get one of your battalions fully upgraded

Fearless 10 Points

Charge the enemy 15 times

Ranged Support 10 Points

Kill 50 units with your Archers, Chamans or Dark Mages

Golden Hammer 5 Points

Kill 10 units with your Goblin Warriors while the Gold Digger skill is active

A Good Start 25 Points

Reach 500 feet no later than day 10

Death from Above 25 Points

Kill 30 units with the Apocalypse special skill

Demoniac 25 Points

Kill 50 units with your Demon

Necromancer 25 Points

Ressurect 10 Underworld Fighters

Under the Rain 25 Points

Kill 40 units while the Black Rain skill is active

Tactician 50 Points

Reach 1000 feet no longer than day 25

Upgrade Complete 50 Points

Get your entire army fully upgraded

Victory 50 Points

Complete the game

Annihilation 100 Points

Complete the game no later than day 45